All brands must have an entity issue their card. An issuer will manage all gift card compliance requirements, hold all unredeemed funds in escrow, remit funds upon user redemption, manage and comply with all state escheatment reporting and remittance requirements on your behalf.
If your company will not be self issuing, TDS can coordinate issuer services through our existing partnerships.
Want to learn more about how TDS can help set up your gift card program?

Digital Wallet
For those clients who do not currently have a digital wallet in place, we provide a set of APIs that provides the ability to create a digital wallet for their users to store value in their account. Additionally, TDS provides reporting so finance and accounting teams can track all activity that takes place in and out of the digital wallets; including credits, debits, adjustments and the reversals of each action.
If you are looking to launch your gift card program but don’t have a wallet system currently in place, don’t let that hold you back or drain your engineering resources. TDS can provide an end-to-end digital wallet solution for you.